Herb Fest '13



Nancy Franklin's graduation day!

Herb Clark receives honorary doctorate from University of Neuchâtel, Nov. 3, 2012. In German, he is now entitled to refer to himself as “Prof. Dr. Dr. (h.c.) H. Clark”

Herb at work in the field

Herb nestled among his happy colleagues


Herb disciples Heather Stark, Deanna Wilkes-Gibbs, Barbara Malt, and Ellen Francik take a break from their labors in 1983.

Herb and Richard, 1982
Herb receiving Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from the Society of Text and Discourse, 2009

 Herb and Jeannie at dinner at Stanford, 2010

Graduation day 1990 (with the head of Steve Sloman [?])

 Herb at ST&D in Rotterdam (2009)

 More incriminating from Rotterdam ST&D

Herb enjoying a moment at ST&D in Chicago (2010) with Pat Healey.  The rest of the evening was a blur.

Another moment at ST&D in Chicago, with 
Morton Gernsbacher and Pat Healey.


Greg, Richard, and Barbara begin the planning process for Herbfest '13 in Palo Alto in 1981.

Herb 1985 in Florence, Italy, with Jan-Ola Östman, Stephen Levinson, and other attendants of the first IPrA conference in Viareggio, where he had i.a. given a keynote lecture 
and participated in a roundtable discussion on Pragmatics, and had fit in a supervisory meeting with Gisela Redeker (next photo)

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